Hi there. After the presentation of Kuetzal I would like to introduce you to Crowdestor today. I’ve been invested here since April 2019 but I already like the platform extraordinarily well. The company is based in Estonia (Tallin), but operates from Latvia (Riga). The Crowdestor interview also gives some information about the auto-invest feature and… Continue reading Crowdestor – Interview, auto-invest and secondary market
Author: kaph1016
Crowdlending at Kuetzal-Interview with CEO Alberts Čevers
ATTENTION! INVESTMENT STOPPED! Please read this link regarding Kuetzal! Now there is actually the first ‘real’ blog post after the blog presentation. Today I would like to introduce you to the crowdlending platform Kuetzal through a short interview with CEO Alberts Čevers. Enjoy reading! Platform, projects and return The projects on Kuetzal range from… Continue reading Crowdlending at Kuetzal-Interview with CEO Alberts Čevers
Why am I starting this blog?
Now why I started this blog? Good question. I think it’s a mixture of enthusiasm, curiosity and also a little bit of discontent. Enthusiasm because the topic of ‘investing’ is my passion. Curiosity, since I have never dealt with anything like blogging so far (other than consuming other blogs). But why discontent? I think that… Continue reading Why am I starting this blog?