Hi there! Since my blog has been up and running for just over a year now, I'd like to report about more than just P2P and crowdlending in the future. So invest diversified with stocks etc.
If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I also report about my other investments. No follower? Shame on you :). On my IG profile I've already presented parts of my stock portfolio and I also wrote a few words about my start into options trading. By the way, the stock portfolio will be available here soon. So what can you expect in the future?
Table of Contents
Stocks and stock purchases
My stock portfolio is still being built up and companies are added or exchanged according to my strategy. I will report about the purchases (and also sales) here on the blog. Depending on how much time I have, there will be one or the other company presentation or insight into my watchlist.
Dividend income
Besides my interest income from P2P/crowd lending, I also receive dividends. There will be a blog series on this as well.
Income from options trading
Since a few months I have also been reading up on options trading and I am also busy putting theory into practice. I have also learned a lot and I would like to share my successes and failures with you. For me this is also a kind of documentation and you take something with you. Win-win!
Income report
At the end of each month I planned a kind of income report, which lists what the total income was in the previous month. In this blog series I'll also mention other income streams, like income from crypto-related investments.
That's it! So there is a lot more to read for you about Invest Diversified with stocks etc. and I hope that is what you want. Of course, I'll continue to write about the P2P platform interviews and presentations and the monthly portfolio updates. After all P2P/crowdlending is my 2nd largest asset class. See you on the next blog post on Invest Diversified!
My broker(s)
I distributed the stocks over several stock security accounts from multiple brokers. When I write about my strategy I explain the reason to have more than one depot in more detail. If you're regularly reading my blog post you know that I write transparent what I earn from the with * marked affiliate and referral links. And also if there is maybe a bonus for you. There are no costs for you at all!
Almost all of my brokers are German ones. So I post here one international brokers I'm using as well. At Degiro I have my 2nd largest securities account. The broker is located in the Netherlands and hast very cheap conditions (>0,50 €).
There is a bonus Degiro offers you, if you use my link*. The broker makes a refund of 20€, if you use 20€ of transaction credit within a 3 month. If so, I get 20€ too.
About P2P, stocks etc. on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook
On my own behalf, I would like to mention that I also present new projects on Twitter (kaph1016) and Instagram (investdiversified) in which I invest myself. Also on Facebook I have a page. There are also a few insights into how I invest in other areas. So just follow me :).
*Some links in my posts are affiliate or referral links. That means I get a little bonus. For each of those who use these links, however, there are no costs or other disadvantages. On the contrary, there is usually a start bonus or cashback. So if you use these links, you support my blog and for that I say thank you in advance!